Automatic video highlights through Google+ and new photo enhancements
At the "Morning with Google+" event today, Google VP Vic Gundotra announced a range of new photo and video features for Google's social network. Google's "computer vision" now recognizes more objects, auto photo enhancements can be dialed up or down, while Snapseed gains a new HDR scape filter. Google+'s "Auto Awesome" photo features have been upgraded with some smartphone-like capabilities, including motion shots — showing the subject several times in the same image —and eraser shots — automatically cutting out moving objects.
Google's also added Analog Efex Pro to its Nik collection of professional filters, which sells for $149.
But the most interesting new feature for mobile watchers is Auto Awesome Movies, which is essentially identical to HTC's video highlights feature from its latest Android phones. Auto Awesome Movies cuts video clips and photos together, adds filters and puts it to music, giving users the kind of reel you see in the video above. All in all, very similar to what we've been enjoying on the HTC One for the past several months.
We'll let you know when the new photo features start to hit Google's apps on the Play Store. In the meantime, share your thoughts in the comments.
Source: Google Blog
Tags: red sox rose byrne iOS 7 Richard Sherman megyn kelly
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